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Camera Records in Time was formed in the summer of 2009 out of a desire to create an environment where photographers can habitually come together to support one another artistically and receive feedback about their work.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Traverse Day Robinette: El Salvador

John; Fort Lauderdale and Jellyfish, 2011 © Traverse Day Robinette

Our journey started with an unexpected layover in Fort Lauderdale. August heat and jellyfish make for a horrible combination. No one was in the water except for a few kids and we could see jellyfish clearly in the surf. I asked the lifeguards if it was safe to swim and their response was "yes". I asked about the jellyfish and they replied "it's like a bee sting". Anyone who has ever been stung by a bee knows it's not a pleasurable experience. Now imagine swimming in water filled with jellyfish that sting like bees, which would be a terrible idea. John made it to waist deep in the surf before running back to shore in a world of pain.

John; Bus Ride, 2011 © Traverse Day Robinette

Our Spanish was pathetic at best, and what better way to start our adventure then to take a bus from San Salvador to Barra de Santiago. People were extremely friendly, even with the details of "that is where they kill people". An elderly man points to the location out the window.

Traverse; El Imposible, 2011 © Traverse Day Robinette

Memories of the jungle consist of ice cold rivers, oppressive humidity, and eating pupusas in the back of a pickup truck speeding down the highway. The jungle is a beautiful place.

John; Barra de Santiago, 2011 © Traverse Day Robinette

I would surf and John would read. When I came back to shore he would say "You were really far out, there had to be sharks where you were at", and then catch me up on his discoveries of Patti Smith. One night phosphorescence washed up on the beach. As we ran, our footprints in the sand would flash green for an instant. I felt like a child in a picture book where anything was possible.

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